Sponsorship Opportunity: Help us cover the cost of restoring Mural #5, Desert Storm Homecoming & Victory Parade. See our Sponsorship levels for the fundraising campaign. Use our Donate page for donations! And thank our friends listed below who have donated to the campaign so far…
Mural #5 - Desert Storm Homecoming & Victory Parade Restoration Funds raised as of 01/26/2022 = $31,907.18 (Remaining Goal: $11,558)
Thank you to our PATRONS, DONORS & SPONSORS:
29 Palms Creative Center & Gallery
29 Palms Inn
Sarah Beck Designs
Benchmark Studios
Benton Bros. Ltd.
Bilderain Family
Mary Jane Binge
Larry Briggs
Heather Campbell
Bob Carter
City of Twentynine Palms,
Tourism Business Improvement District
City of Twentynine Palms,
Public Arts Advisory Committee (PAAC)
Clarke Family
Col. Erica Clarkson (Ret.)
Bob & Karen Coghill
John & Marsha Cole
Mike & Ann Congdon
Col.Paul & Jeanne Cook
Cottonwood Cottage,
Meredith Plummer & Stan Smith
Denise & Sylvester Cullum
James & Margaret DaSilva
Kathryn Douglas
Jeff and Barbara Dunn
Pat Flanagan
Maureen Franklin
Bud Garrett
Nancy Garsick
Owen & Audrey Gillick
Happy Trails Tours, Inc.
Historic Inns of 29 Palms, LLC
William G. Kelly
Steve Kerr
In Memory of Ray Kinsman
Joel Klink Insurance Agency
Jim and Beverly Krushat
Steve Lasiter
Lavonne Lindberg
Nolan Lockwood
Luckino Family
Susan Lunn
MSA-Military Spouses Association
Gordy & Lynn Malarkey
Jerry Mattos/Stephanie Ince
Carmen Mendoza
Liz Meyer
Daniel and Christina Mintz
James & Janell Nickols
Tim O’Connor
Karmolette O’Gilvie
Gary & Jan Peters
Herman Platzke
Christopher Plummer
Procal Electric
Steve Quintanilla & Michael Cook
Dawn Rowe, 3rd Dist. Supervisor, San Bernardino County
Les and Cathy Snodgrass
Spirit & Truth Worship Center Church
Lt.Col. & Mrs. Tom E. Sulick, USMC, Ret.
Lloyd Tilch, Sr.
Bill & Kathy Truesdell
B.Gen & Mrs. Roger Turner
TwentyNine Palms Band of Mission Indians
Suzanne Villareale
Marckendly & Quisha Villiers
VFW Post 7264 Joshua Tree
Williams Insurance Service
T.J. Williams
McArthur Wright
Jon Wyszpolski
Clairmont Equipment, Indio, CA
Ann Congdon
Copy Center Plus
Glenn and Emily Helm
Joshua Tree NP Council for the Arts
Twentynine Palms Historical Society
Stephen Rogers, S.R. Building, Inc.
Vickie Waite
Support Us: Our mission is to optimize the social, cultural, and economic wellbeing of the community by maintaining and enhancing its unique heritage and environment.
Businesses and organizations can help Action 29 Palms accomplish its goals of promoting local involvement and pride in the City of Twentynine Palms and bringing outside money into the community. By choosing to partner with Action 29 Palms you will become an active part of a family-friendly organization that works to improve the community’s quality of life. Getting involved means helping Action 29 Palms:
• Raise funds to help maintain and restore the Oasis of Murals in Twentynine Palms. (See current campaign.)
• Provide art opportunities for people of all ages through events such as “Chalkfest” and help augment art programs for local children.
• Unite businesses with area residents and visitors in volunteer events such as “A Mural-in-a-Weekend.”
• Enhance Twentynine Palms cultural image through participation in local, state, and global art opportunities.
• Promote tourism in Twentynine Palms by showcasing our area’s unique assets.
Sponsorship of our projects provides high visibility exposure of your business name and logo and positions your company or organization as a community-spirited organization that generously gives back to its employees, customers, friends, and community.
THANK YOU for your consideration of sponsoring the efforts of Action Council for 29 Palms, Inc., a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
For further information please contact us at action29palms@gmail.com or
LeeAnn Clarke, Chair @ 1-760-367-3840.
Action 29 Palms | P.O. Box 306 | Twentynine Palms, CA 92277 | Action29palms@gmail.com
Copyright 2019 Action 29 Palms. All Rights Reserved.